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安迪·塞尔沃:有些事情—WARREN BUFFETT:My dad-- listen, I grew up in a householdthat-- that it was the family‘s belief-- and it went beyond my dad and mymother, but went to, you know, all my uncles and all-- I mean, that basically,that-- the country had gone socialist, you know, in the ’30s.

WARREN BUFFETT:Well, I‘m drinking a little more Coca-Colaactually. Seems to have warded off everything else in life.I’m 89. I just hadtwo different doctors tell me how I‘m in much better shape than I was a fewyears ago. I’m not sure what I‘m doing to get better. But by accident, I had anannual heart check where I wear something around my waist for a couple days.The guy said it’s never been better. So I really, I‘m the probabilities guy inmy nature. So I, there’s going to be to 2.8 million deaths this year. At age89, I‘m a little more likely than I was in that group.
